Latest earthquake

Hypocenter:2024/11/20 03:36:00 M5.0
駿河湾南方沖 (34.2000N 138.5000E 250.0 km)

Earthquake Research Institute (ERI) of the University of Tokyo expands strong motion observation networks along coast lines of the Suruga bay and the Izu Peninsula, in the Ashigara valley and the Matsumoto and Suwa basins to record strong motion during large earthquakes, to reveal the fault source process, and to investigate velocity structure and site response related to the generation of strong ground motion.
The ERI Strong Motion Database was established in 2008 and has been open since 2010. The database contains permanent observations since 1980, joint observations with universities and institutions, temporary observations as well as the SMAC-type strong motion records, and is utilized as the ERI Joint Usage Research Program.